Nationwide Launches Custom Auto Insurance to Save Drivers Money

Source: Nationwide | Published on February 14, 2019

Rising auto insurance rates as car prices come down

For those who work from home, carpool frequently or use public transit more than they drive, Nationwide is launching SmartMilesSM, a new auto insurance solution for low-mileage drivers.

Committed to the evolution of its telematics journey which began in 2011 with SmartRide®, SmartMiles allows Nationwide members to pay for the miles they drive, providing more control over the cost of their auto insurance. With consumer adaptation and increased comfort level with telematics technology in mind, Nationwide developed SmartMiles for its low-mileage driving members that can provide substantial savings on their auto insurance premium.

“SmartMiles was developed to provide a program that allows our customers the freedom to control their auto insurance expenses based on how much they drive and how safe they drive,” said Teresa Scharn, Nationwide associate vice president who helps build and manage the insurer’s telematics program. “Whereas most insurance companies’ mileage-based insurance programs look only at miles driven, Nationwide’s SmartMiles telematics program takes many factors into account, creating a more personalized offering, which is revolutionary to the auto insurance industry.”

No More “one-policy-fits-all” approach—SmartMiles offers personalized pricing

Unique in the usage-based insurance market, Nationwide members in multiple-car households now have an option to select a Nationwide auto insurance program for each vehicle. This personalization affords drivers the opportunity to create a policy that best suits the distinct auto insurance needs of a household. Members now have options beyond a one-policy-fits-all approach or requiring separate policies for multiple vehicles. Nationwide offers flexible usage-based programs with SmartMiles and SmartRide to fit different driving styles among family members.

How it works

For example, a member of a family that commutes 75 miles to work round-trip each day and their college student, whose car is seldom driven, can be on the same Nationwide policy with auto insurance rates that are custom to each situation. The member would save on their insurance premium by enrolling the college student’s vehicle in SmartMiles, while the commuter’s optimum usage-based program would be Nationwide’s SmartRide product.

SmartMiles uses a small device to track the miles driven by that vehicle. Members can keep tabs on their miles driven through the SmartMiles member portal.

Highlights of Nationwide’s SmartMiles

• Drivers pay for the miles they drive.
• Drivers who are most likely to benefit from SmartMiles, are those who:
o use public transit
o carpool
o work from home or live near their workplace
o are frequent users of ride-sharing services
o are college students
o have vehicles that are driven infrequently, such as car collections or seasonal transportation
• Nationwide members can enroll in SmartMiles for low-mileage vehicles and the SmartRide program for higher mileage vehicles on the same policy within a household.
• Road trip exception: daily mileage is capped at 250 miles; if a driver takes an extensive road trip they won’t be heavily impacted that month.
• Members get up to a 10 percent discount for safe driving after the first renewal.

There are no contracts or long-term requirements for the program. Should a member or a household’s driving patterns change, they can move their vehicle from SmartMiles to SmartRide at any time.

SmartMiles is currently available in Illinois. Nationwide plans to roll out SmartMiles in additional states throughout 2019.

For further information about SmartMiles, go to