Moody’s Analytics Launches Asset-Liability Management Tool for Insurers

Source: Moody's | Published on November 29, 2021

RiskIntegrityTM Investment Insight is a new asset-liability management (ALM) service for insurance firms from Moody’s Analytics. The new tool helps insurers develop liability-aware investment portfolios and analyze their investment strategies against a range of business indicators.

Understanding the impact of different asset classes, lowering the operational risk of complicated data and models, and responding to regulatory change are all issues faced by insurance businesses. RiskIntegrity Investment Insight, a SaaS solution, helps insurers’ ALM and investment teams handle these issues by leveraging Moody’s Analytics core content and models to produce user-friendly analytics and reports on demand.

“Insurers want control and visibility over their economic assumptions and scenarios. They must be able to promptly assess the impact of investment decisions on economic, capital, and liquidity parameters. Moody’s Analytics Senior Director Phil Mowbray said RiskIntegrity Investment Insight will help insurers allocate assets strategically, make better investment decisions, and govern their investment process.

The platform allows ALM and investment teams to create innovative investment strategies that improve risk-adjusted returns while aligning with their objectives and risk profiles.

Investment Insight from Moody’s Analytics helps insurers manage existing and emerging risks and make better integrated risk decisions. Our RiskIntegrityTM for IFRS 17 solution, AXISTM actuarial system, and Climate Pathway Scenario Service are examples.

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Moody’s Analytics is a Moody’s Corporation subsidiary. Moody’s Corporation generated $5.4 billion in revenue in 2020 and employs over 13,000 people in over 40 countries.