Allstate Catastrophe Losses for January at $307M

Source: Reuters | Published on February 16, 2023

Allstate catastrophe losses

Allstate today announced estimated catastrophe losses for the month of January of $307 million or $243 million, after-tax.

Catastrophe losses for January events were estimated at $309 million, related to nine events primarily in Texas and California, partially offset by favorable reserve re-estimates for prior events.

“Allstate continued to implement significant auto insurance rate actions in response to inflationary increases to loss costs. During the month of January, the Allstate brand implemented auto rate increases of 9.9% across 13 locations, resulting in total brand premium impact of 0.7% which are expected to raise annualized written premiums by approximately $182 million,” said Jess Merten, Chief Financial Officer of The Allstate Corporation.