Atlantic Ocean May Get 5 Named Storms at Once

Source: Bloomberg - Jim Efstathiou Jr. | Published on September 17, 2018

A Caution Sign in Front of Storm Clouds Warning of Hurricane Season.

The system will need to reach sustained winds of 39 miles (63 kilometers) an hour to qualify as a tropical storm.

The Atlantic hasn’t seen four named storms at the same time since 2008, Phil Klotzbach, hurricane researcher at Colorado State University said in a tweet. A fifth would add to an already crowded map that includes Hurricane Florence, which is expected to make landfall in the Carolinas Friday, and tropical storms Helene, Issac and Joyce.

Florence is the most worrisome of the bunch as it lumbers toward the East Coast carrying the threat of a deadly 13-foot ocean surge and flooding rains.

And if you’re counting, the next named storm after Kirk, should it emerge, will be Leslie.