CEOs Highlight Social Inflation and Underperforming Commercial Lines

Published on July 10, 2024

social inflation

Leading insurance CEOs have highlighted that commercial lines are not at the peak of their underwriting cycle, primarily due to the pervasive issue of social inflation. This phenomenon, characterized by rising litigation costs, larger jury awards, and more frequent legal actions, has significantly impacted the profitability of commercial insurance lines.

Factors Contributing to Social Inflation

Several factors contribute to social inflation, including a litigious environment, aggressive plaintiff attorneys, and a judicial system increasingly favoring claimants. These elements drive up the cost of claims, necessitating higher reserves and leading to more expensive premiums for policyholders.

Insurer Strategies

To combat these challenges, insurers are adopting various strategies. There is an increased focus on risk management practices, adjusting underwriting standards, and investing in predictive analytics to better assess and price risks. Additionally, insurers are advocating for tort reform and seeking to influence public policy to address the root causes of social inflation.