DOXA Launches New Property MGA

Source: DOXA | Published on February 13, 2024

DOXA enters rental market with MGA acquisition

DOXA Insurance Holdings today introduced Arris, a new insurance program with coverage designed for the excess and surplus (E&S) commercial property space. The program is written through Obsidian Insurance Group (“Obsidian”), an A.M. Best rated “A- “hybrid program carrier group focused on facilitating and supporting growth in specialty insurance programs.

Arris Property Underwriters brings wholesale property solutions for difficult to place risks with a focus on the real estate, hospitality, healthcare, education, municipality, and light manufacturing sectors. The program will provide comprehensive underwriting solutions to the wholesale market across these segments and more with the ability to offer $2.5M in excess capacity including critical catastrophe zones through a limited wholesale distribution platform.

“With the launch of Arris Property Underwriters, we are thrilled to offer best-in-class solutions for our insureds and broker partners in an evolving market cycle,” said Liz Coakley, president of Arris Property Underwriters. “With ongoing climate changes and shifts in capacity, the team at Arris along with our partners at DOXA have worked diligently to create a unique platform to support our clients’ needs.”

Coakley is an industry leader and legacy underwriter with more than sixteen years of property experience at major underwriting firms.  She is joined by Underwriting Director, Caitlin Murphy who also brings over fifteen years of experience in property brokerage and underwriting leadership roles.

“Arris represents the culmination of our underwriting expertise and a product specifically tailored to the needs of the modern wholesale clients.” said Murphy. “It is our goal to provide our wholesale brokers with a trusted ally and our insureds with stable and comprehensive coverage in the ever-evolving property insurance market.”

Arris Property Underwriters offers coverage nationwide and is open for business.

“We are excited to launch our partnership with Arris and DOXA. The alignment of Obsidian’s program carrier model, the expertise of Liz, Caitlin and the Arris team, and the support of top-tier reinsurers creates a robust solution for the marketplace. Obsidian is committed to partnering with growing MGA partners that seek to bring distinct capabilities and experienced underwriting talent to meet growing marketplace demand,” said Craig Rappaport, President of Obsidian.


DOXA Insurance Holdings is a Midwest-domiciled holding company that acquires specialty niche-focused insurance distribution companies such as Managing General Agencies, Wholesale Brokers, and Program Administrators. DOXA focuses on assisting businesses through centralized support services to help companies maximize their growth potential.   DOXA’s founders are experienced insurance executives with credentials in the niche and specialty insurance market. More information is available at

About Obsidian:

Obsidian Insurance Holdings, Inc. is an insurance holding company with admitted and non-admitted insurance carrier subsidiaries that issue policies underwritten by managing general agents, managing general underwriters, and program managers. Obsidian sources, underwrites, and manages a diverse portfolio of property, casualty, and specialty insurance programs, and reinsures the majority of the business to select reinsurers. Obsidian was formed in 2020 in partnership with leading insurance industry executives and Genstar Capital. For more information, visit