Peabody, MA – BUSINESSWIRE – Energi announces the appointment of John Doak, former Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner and Wayne Goodwin, former North Carolina Commissioner to the Board of Directors. Both individuals have exceptional industry depth and expertise as the Company progresses into providing captive insurance programs through eCaptiv and claims, risk management, marketing, and technology solutions through eServices Companies and eTech Services.
“We are pleased to have John and Wayne join the Board of Directors for Energi,” said Brian McCarthy, CEO of Energi. “As former Insurance Commissioners, both bring a wealth of experience and expertise in the insurance industry and will be tremendous assets to the Company.”
John Doak was elected as the 12th Insurance Commissioner of Oklahoma and served from 2011 to 2019. As a graduate of the University of Oklahoma in 1988 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, John later began working at the executive level in the insurance industry. John previously served in corporate positions at Marsh, Aon Risk Services, HNI Risk Services, and Ascension Insurance, where he was Senior Vice President of Acquisitions. As Insurance Commissioner, his visionary efforts included hosting the National Tornado Summit, an annual disaster preparedness conference for insurance professionals, emergency managers, and meteorologists. John has been involved in the initial formation of the NAIC Task Force on Innovation and has been a regulator interested in assisting startup companies. John currently is the Executive Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Innovation and Business Development at Insurance Care Direct.
Wayne Goodwin is the former North Carolina Insurance Commissioner and insurance regulator, a four-term state legislator, and small business owner. Wayne earned his undergraduate and law degrees from UNC-Chapel Hill. Prior to his service in the North Carolina legislature, he successfully opened two law firms and served as President of his county bar association. In his four consecutive terms in the General Assembly, he sponsored legislation that prompted greater incentives for economic development, education, healthcare, and public safety. During his eight years as Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal, he was a strong proponent of state-based insurance regulation, protecting consumer right and fighting fraud. After two terms, he returned to the private sector creating his own insurance regulatory consulting firm and has joined various boards of directors for private businesses. Wayne currently serves as Chairman of the North Carolina Democratic Party.
“Both John and Wayne have an incredible understanding of the insurance industry as former Insurance Commissioners,” said James Townsend, Chairman of the Energi, Inc. Board of Directors and CEO of Townsend Energy Company. “We are very delighted to have both serve on the Board of Directors of Energi.”
Energi has successfully launched two group captive programs for the energy industry through eCaptiv. The Vermont-domiciled eCaptiv PC1-IC and PC2-IC programs are for energy companies within fuel distribution, energy transportation, energy construction, renewable energy, agricultural cooperatives, and utility segments. The Company is in the process of establishing regional and industry-specific captives that are focused on utilizing risk management technologies to ensure all members are on the same playing field and improve overall underwriting results. For more information about the eCaptiv programs, please visit
About Energi
Energi provides alternative and captive insurance solutions in the United States and Canada. eCaptiv is an affiliated entity of Energi Insurance Services, Inc. (MGA, Wholesaler & Program Manager), eRisk Solutions (LP Safety, Accident Recon, Environmental Management Services, Fire & Explosion Experts), eClaims Management (Claims TPA), eMarketing Strategies (Marketing Services Company) and eTech Services (Technology Services Company for the Insurance Industry). These companies offer specialized insurance programs along with support services meant to reduce client’s long-term loss costs and enhance their productivity.
Media Contact
Megan McCarthy
1.978.531.1822 x 360