Everest Insurance® Announces Workers’ Compensation Marine Expansion

Source: Everest Insurance | Published on June 12, 2019

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Everest Insurance® is pleased to announce that they have joined with All Risks, Ltd. to expand their workers’ compensation capabilities for the marine industry. Through this program, brokers will have access to workers’ compensation, United States Longshore & Harbor Workers (USL&H) and marine employers liability (MEL) on one policy in 46 states.

Everest has partnered with All Risks’ program business for more than 15 years, and this new offering exemplifies the commitment by both companies to best meet the unique needs of their marine clients.

“We are excited to expand our workers’ compensation offering for our marine clients, and proud to do so with All Risks, Ltd,” said Brian Drum, Head of Everest Underwriting Partners. “Coupling Everest’s vast capabilities and comprehensive risk management services with All Risks’ knowledge and presence in this space, gives us the opportunity to offer a superior product to our valued clients.”

About Everest Re Group, Ltd.

Everest Re Group, Ltd. (“Everest”) is a leading global provider of reinsurance and insurance, operating for more than 40 years through subsidiaries in the U.S., Europe, Bermuda and other territories.

Everest offers property, casualty, and specialty products through its various operating affiliates located in key markets around the world.

Everest Insurance® markets property, casualty, specialty and other lines of admitted and non-admitted direct insurance on behalf of Everest Re Group, Ltd., and its affiliated companies. Additional information about Everest, our people, and our products can be found on our website at www.everestre.com. All issuing companies may not do business in all jurisdictions.

About All Risks, Ltd.

All Risks, Ltd. is the largest independent insurance wholesaler serving retail insurance agents and brokers nationwide. This innovative team delivers comprehensive specialty commercial and personal lines solutions through a full-service platform of quality brokerage markets, quick in-house binding authority, exclusive national programs, and easy-to-use online technology. Based in Hunt Valley, Maryland, the 55-year-old firm employs 875 staff members in 26 offices around the country. To learn more, please visit www.allrisks.com