Guy Carpenter Launches MetaRisk Live

Source: Reinsurance News | Published on November 10, 2022

Guy Carpenter

Guy Carpenter, a reinsurance broker, has announced the release of MetaRisk Live, a new tool for real-time reinsurance strategy optimization.

Clients will be able to evaluate the impact of changes to their reinsurance structure instantly with MetaRisk Live, creating a dynamic process that supports a better understanding of purchasing decisions.

This tool promotes improved collaboration in the development of optimal reinsurance structures. This is accomplished by leveraging the power of Guy Carpenter’s MetaRisk platform, which provides a comprehensive suite of underwriting, reserve, catastrophe, credit, and investment risk capabilities, according to the reinsurer.

MetaRisk Live generates simple-to-understand results that demonstrate the effects of structure changes using custom performance indicators that are tailored to the company’s unique key performance indicators, or KPIs.

This real-time evaluation, according to Guy Carpenter, enables a more efficient work process, designed to develop approaches fully aligned with reinsurance goals and objectives more quickly and effectively.

John Trace, CEO, North America, commented: “MetaRisk Live is a fantastic example of how we are innovating and collaborating with our clients to drive better and more-informed reinsurance decisions. Our ability to combine advanced analytics and critical thinking to deliver a dynamic, ‘live’ reinsurance structuring experience will help our clients better navigate today’s challenging market environment and bring our engagement to the next level.”