Hurricane Dorian Cone of Uncertainty Aims at 668,052 Homes Exposed to Storm Surge Damage, Early CoreLogic Analysis Shows

Source: CoreLogic | Published on August 30, 2019

CoreLogic®, a leading global property information, analytics and data-enabled solutions provider, today released data analysis showing 668,052 single-family and multifamily homes along the east coast of Florida with a reconstruction cost value (RCV) of approximately $144.6 billion are at potential risk of storm surge damage from Hurricane Dorian based on its projected Category 3 status at landfall. These estimates are based on the Thursday, August 29 National Hurricane Center 5:00 p.m. EDT forecast.

As Hurricane Dorian approaches Florida, its path will become more certain and the below metropolitan areas at risk will narrow. For the most up-to-date storm surge exposure estimates, visit the CoreLogic natural hazard risk information center, Hazard HQ™, at

Hurricane-driven storm surge can cause significant property damage when high winds and low pressure cause water to amass inside the storm, releasing a powerful rush over land when the hurricane moves onshore. For a complete view of total storm surge risk for all Atlantic and Gulf Coast states metropolitan areas, download the 2019 CoreLogic Storm Surge Report.


CoreLogic offers high-resolution location information solutions with a view of hazard and vulnerability consistent with the latest science for more realistic risk differentiation. The high-resolution storm surge modeling using 10m digital elevation model (DEM) and parcel-based geocoding precision from PxPoint™ facilitates this realistic view of risk. Single-family residential structures less than four stories, including mobile homes, duplexes, manufactured homes and cabins (among other non-traditional home types) are included in this analysis. Multifamily residences are also included. This is not an indication that there will be no damage to other types of structures, as there may be associated wind or debris damage and are not tabulated in this release.