MGA Energi Names Michael Windstein As Chief Underwriting Officer

Source: Energi | Published on December 7, 2018

Energi names Michael Windstein as Chief Underwriting Officer. Michael Windstein will support the underwriting operations with the recent launch of Energi’s eCaptiv programs for the energy and transportation industries.

“Windstein has been a strong asset to the underwriting operations at Energi,” says Timothy Kolojay, President and Chairman of eCaptiv. “His experience and knowledge of the insurance and energy industry will be critical in the success of the eCaptiv programs.”

Windstein previously worked as Assistance Vice President for the Mid-Atlantic, where he managed the underwriting portfolio for the region. In addition to his experience at Energi, he was Assistant Vice President and Underwriting Manager at Victor O. Schinnerer and was an underwriter for the Global Energy Middle Market (GEMM) program at AIG specializing in the oil and gas industry.

Energi has recently launched eCaptiv, a captive insurance company domiciled in Vermont. The PC1-IC program is geared towards energy companies within fuel distribution, energy transportation, energy construction, renewable energy, agricultural cooperative, and utilities who have $250,000 or greater in primary casualty premiums. eCaptiv’s PC2-IC program is for energy companies in the same space as PC1-IC, but whose primary casualty premiums are less than $250,000. For more information about the eCaptiv programs, please visit


About Energi

Energi Inc. is the parent company for Energi Insurance Services, Inc. (MGA, Wholesaler & Program Manager), eRisk Solutions (LP Safety, Accident Recon, Environmental Management Services, Fire & Explosion Experts), eClaims Management (Claims TPA), eMarketing Strategies (Marketing Services Company) and eTech Services (Technology Services Company for the Insurance Industry). Through these companies, Energi offers specialized insurance programs along with support services meant to reduce client’s long-term loss costs and enhance their productivity.