Texas Mutual Donates $2M to Support Nonprofits Meeting COVID-19 Needs

Source: Texas Mutual | Published on April 1, 2020

Grants are being given to 40 nonprofits throughout the state

Workers Compensation insurer Texas Mutual announced a donation of $2 million in grant funding for nonprofit organizations across the state that are vital to COVID-19 relief and recovery. The company has identified 40 nonprofit organizations where the grants will make a significant impact, including Meals on Wheels, United Way, local food banks, community health organizations and more that are on the front lines of the COVID-19 efforts.

A core pillar of our community program, TXM for Texas, is to empower the communities across the state where our policyholders live and work. The grants will help ensure the most vulnerable individuals in those areas are served during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our mission of creating a stronger, safer Texas is more important now than it ever has been. As a state, we’re blessed to have so many nonprofits doing difficult and necessary work to care for our communities. Partnering with them to take care of Texans is an honor,” Rich Gergasko, president and CEO of Texas Mutual, said. “This donation will help them retain staff, provide resources and save the lives of Texans during a time when they are needed most.”

For the first round of funding, Texas Mutual is donating $1.35 million in grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 to seven organizations in central Texas, five in south Texas, seven in the gulf coast and seven in north Texas. An additional $650,000 is earmarked for needs as they arise in other areas of the state.

Providing funding to nonprofit organizations that are on the ground and doing the work in these communities is a crucial part of our efforts to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on Texas employers and employees.

Learn more about the grants and how Texas Mutual is supporting its policyholders at texasmutual.com/coronavirus.