Verisk Grows Premium and Loss Database for Third Consecutive Year

Source: Verisk | Published on April 5, 2023

Verisk announces collaboration to fight claims fraud

Verisk, a leading global data analytics and technology provider, continues to recruit and secure new contributors to its industry-leading ISO Statistical Database, growing the number of insurers committed to submitting data by more than 100 over the past three years.

The database contains more than 32 billion records of premiums and losses and fuels analytics that can help insurers improve decisions across a wide range of critical functions, including benchmarking, ratemaking, product development and strategic planning.

“Verisk has proven itself to be a true industry partner, dedicated to building a robust database that’s a critical source of information for insurers,” said Neil Spector, president of underwriting solutions at Verisk. “With these new additions and other internal improvements, the size of our database will grow by more than 25 percent, and the insights and analytics available will help drive further innovation and profitability in the ever-changing marketplace.”

For more than 50 years, Verisk has been a trusted provider of data management, reporting and analytics for insurers. In recent years, Verisk has accelerated enhancements to its statistical services and data management solutions. These enhancements – like flexible data contribution formats and automated quality controls to help insurers review and correct their data submissions – have made it even more efficient for insurers to contribute data.

Learn more about Verisk’s Statistical Services.