Workers’ Comp Trends Expected to Remain Favorable in 2021: Fitch

Source: Fitch | Published on June 15, 2021

Workers’ compensation underwriting performance is expected to remain strong in 2021 with favorable results driven by recent reductions in claims frequency and further recognition of material reserve redundancies, Fitch Ratings says. However, this level of profitability is unsustainable longer term, as claims trends are expected to normalize while competitive forces create renewed pricing pressure.

The segment posted a third consecutive year of 90% or below combined ratios (CRs) in 2020. This was despite a 10% reduction in annual written premiums amid the economic disruption of the pandemic, which also led to a sharp decline in claims frequency versus the prior year. Pandemic-related losses, particularly for essential services and health care providers to date, are manageable for insurers but remain a source of uncertainty. The segment’s combined ratio is anticipated to remain in the low 90% range for 2021.

Workers’ compensation continues to demonstrate the strongest reserve position of any property/casualty (P/C) industry product line, with calendar year favorable developments averaging 15% of segment earned premiums for the last four years. The segment’s reserve strength was likely maintained in accident year 2020, as reported loss ratios may have underestimated the benefits of declining frequency on incurred losses.

Pricing for the segment contrasts significantly with other commercial property and liability lines that have reported rising prices for the last two years or more. After years of declining premium rates in response to favorable results, uncertainty tied to the coronavirus promoted a stabilization in pricing in 2020. However, a return to normal economic activity and market competitive forces are expected to result in declining rates by year-end 2021.

Claims frequency patterns are anticipated to normalize with the return to prior workplace norms and economic activity. Loss severity has been relatively stable in recent years but remains a greater source of future volatility with rising general inflation and the potential for higher future medical costs.